How Should I Prepare My Child for the First Dental Visit?


Children may be apprehensive about visiting the dentist. Dr. Ortiz and Dr. Heeter are experienced pediatric dentists and specialize in interacting with children and will explain procedures in a pleasant and non-frightening manner. Parents can help make the first dental visit enjoyable and positive by avoiding words such as “needle”, “shot”, or “drill”

Infant/1-3 Years:


We don’t expect your child to sit alone in the dental chair at this young age, so we do what’s called a “lap to lap”. A toothbrush cleaning, examination and fluoride application will be performed while your child lies on a pillow across your lap with his/her head in the assistant or doctor’s lap. We will review nutrition and oral hygiene, with an emphasis on feeding habits that won’t promote tooth decay.

3-6 Years:


Older children in this age group will usually be happy to sit in the dental chair. We review nutrition and oral hygiene. A toothbrush or rubber-cup cleaning, examination and fluoride application will be performed. Your young 3 year old may still be comfortable in your lap, whereas more mature 3 year olds may want to sit in the dental chair by themselves. Radiographs (x-rays) appropriate to your child’s age and cooperation will be exposed.

7 Years And Up:


Radiographs, including a head xray, will be exposed. A rubber-cup cleaning, examination and fluoride application will be performed. We will also review nutrition and oral hygiene. An evaluation for orthodontics (braces) may be recommended at this time.

Your Special Needs Child:


We will accommodate each child individually, and will perform a cleaning, examination and fluoride application, and x-rays as needed. We also review nutrition and oral hygiene, with an emphasis on appropriate oral care that is specific and appropriate to your child’s disability.